Thursday, 1 January 2015

Homeopathy, cures are Transformations

             # The Science of Homeopathy.# 

Homeopathic cures are rotational transformations. I am not going into an elaborate introductory on the subject. Those who don't understand the technicalities do not concern us.those who can understand do not need much explaining. Among skeptics both the above categories are included is exactly why there is a need to explore and explain the plausible mechanism in as simple a language as possible,but not simpler, as the genius Albert Einstein had rightly observed.

 The remedy relationship in Homeopathy is something every homeopath concurs with and there is no difference of opinion whatsoever in this regard. The pivotals Sulphur, Calcarea-Carb and Lycopodium and their relationship that, under the action of Sulphur the resultant state usually tend towards Calcarea, and Calcarea to Lyco and again from Lycopodium we can get the original state (remedy picture or "eigenstates of health" for physics lovers) of Sulphur- is an internally well established rule.

Though a remedy has several antidotes,none of the different antidotes of the same remedy in homeopathy are substitutable for one another.This is a vector behavior. These facts are consistent only if the totality of symptoms OR "remedy pictures" exist as a *discrete *spectrum, (compare the visible spectrum of light containing 7 colors). And when a similimum is correctly given, we see that the remedy picture (which is also the disease picture, and here I am not making any distinction between the two) now changes to another remedy picture. Each remedy picture consists of several observable symptoms. they are thermal, thirst, time of day and sleep pattern etc.
Now we can imagine each remedy picture as vectors in three dimensional Euclidean space,by taking only 3 of the symptoms for convenience, say Thermal along the X-axis, Thirst along Y-axis and Sleep along Z-axis.
We can then plot the symmetrical status of every remedy eigenstate* to get different vectors for different remedies yielding following pictures.



   In the first picture the 3 different vectors representing Sulphur along height, Calcarea along length and Lycopodium along the breadth of an imaginary cube are shown. Under the action pf the similimum Sulphur picture rotates to Calcarea Carb, which in turn can rotate to Lycopodium and again Lycopodium can rotate to original Sulphur position is facilitated.

To make it further clear I have given in 2nd picture similar arrangement of Nux vomica, Carbo-veg and Phosphorus. In three dimensional Euclidean Space we can only show 3 remedies at a time. It is also seen that each remedy vector is shown at right angle (90 degrees) to both the other vectors.Now this necessity of showing them as mutually perpendicular or "orthogonal" is in conformity with the mathematics of such functional spaces where the entire spectra should consist of only orthogonal vectors. None of the vectors need cross another vector to rotate towards the position of any other vector only if they are all orthogonal to one another. Absolutely satisfies the requirement of homeopathic transformations.

In picture 3 it is also seen that when the origin or vertex is turned to face in our direction they make 120 degrees between each dispelling the doubt about their naure of equidistance from one another. Infinite dimentional functional spaces are an extension of this concept of Euclidean space to higher dimensions. Their inability of being represented pictorially doesn't alter the fact that Their Mathematical behavior agrees with Pythagorean Rule. They are absract "Vector Spaces" used in the mathematics that deals with functional analysis

By Pythagorean rule we know the parallelogram law of forces lay down the relationship, ( the square of the diagonal is equal to the sum of the squares of the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram. ) let us say S is the vector representing Sulphur picture, C that of Calcarea and L that of Lycopodium.
Likewise s,c and l be the corresponding similimum pictures ( it is necessary to distinguish remedy and disease pictures here for obvious reasons)
Now it can be shown with suitable modifications in the above picture 1 that Calcarea carb is a Rotational state when sulphur similimum ( s) is deducted from Sulphur disease (S)

 Square root of ( S^2  minus s^2 ) = C is then derived from the Pythagorean Rule.

the modification being, Disease vector "S" and similimum vector "s" are slightly different making an acute angle with each other. That is also consistent with the homeopathic laws since the Master has made the keen observation that a Similimum is not an Idem, hence Isopathy is not homeopathy as some of the contemporaries of Hahnemann had tried to project during his time.

State of health doesn't have any starting point in the spectrum of diseases. It can have different starting points in different patients according to their constitution, living condition and environment. That means every vector can be pathological and every rotation from the action of a similimum always is towards a lesser pathological state.

Why the simlimum is a negative vector of the original disease vector so that addition of the similimum acts as deduction of the disease vector resulting in rotation towards a previous (or notional previous) state is another point I can elaborate and substantiate, but may be outside the scope of this article which is intended only to explain the rotational behavior of disease states in an abstract vector space.


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