Thursday, 20 December 2012

Why the double attack on plausibility & Efficacy ?

             The skeptics on the one hand argue that in Double blind RCTs Homeopathy never been able to show results consistent enough to prove its efficacy beyond doubt. And on the other hand they attack,there is no plausible mechanism for the action of ultrahigh dilutions.                                                                    
                                 But both these observed* defects except suppression of  evidence with malicious intent, arise because of the 'observer effect' if we can use that term here. Homeopathic prescriptions are based not on the pathological diagnosis of a case. we need the individualized "Sense data" which is sensitive to observation. A sincere homeopath who knows his job can tell how difficult it is to prescribe a remedy to a nagging spouse,let alone to the volunteers at the RCTs who get the message, what is being tested is something who's efficacy is highly suspect. This obviously spoils patient cooperation rendering the atmosphere quite different from the clinical setup where extraction of the sense data is unhindered.When RCTs hence show poor results quite naturally every explanation of plausible mechanism becomes unsubstantiated in strictly scientific parlance especially if classical physics is made a model for such conformity.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

I was inspired for the first time, to think logically about Homeopathy after reading an article "Facts and theory, Hahnemann's balancing act" by research scholer Ralf Jeutter in an issue of the Ezine, Homeopathy 4 everyone. Thereafter Dr Richard Pitcairn's article "why medicine is not scientific" in another issue further made me think, If medicine is no more a science, as I don't have any difficulty in agreeing with this after my prolonged practice of Homeopathy, then what is the status of both conventional medicine and Homeopathy in present scientific environment. 
                            The result is the conception of  this blog. Just because Homeopathy is not understood by the mainstream medicine or science ( my apologies to those who are an exception) it seems vested interests are taking advantage of the empirical nature of homeopathy to spew venom and equate such a highly effective system of medicine with occult or placebo. But those who denounce homeopathy for being an empirical system are content to accept Quantum theory as a highly successful theory of everything, though,at least partially, it suffers from the same defect. Quantum theory blurs with mysticism at the boundaries. Homeopathy is accused of being mystical, hence taboo in scientific parlance. Aren't we forgetting that it is inevitable to express every physical phenomena especially particle or microscopic phenomena in the highly successful "theory of everything", namely Quantum theory ?                                                                                             .         If such an attempt is made we find with astonishment that modern medicine is inconsistent in many aspects where Homeopathy fares well.Hahnemann's Homeopathy is an explanation of the behavior  of a system representing the body in health&diseases which is exactly like the behavior of a Quantum system. Hahnemann says there is nothing to diseases except the perceived symptoms. Quantum implies reality is nothing but what is perceived. When the disease is not understood, it is permitted to use mild perturbation by giving a wrong remedy in Homeopathy!, aphorisms 179 to 182 are about perturbation.Anamnesis is nothing but the Consistent histories of quantum. Now we can know why Modern Medicine miserably fails in giving a single rule for the impairment and hence restoration of health as every other branch of fundamental as well as applied science is capable of. Its methods and philosophies are based on the antiquated classical mechanics which itself only remains a special class of quantum mechanics !